Contribution to the research project

1. I brainstorm with the team and we decided on a relavant topic, we then agreed on the workload distribution and started conducted primary research.

2. I conducted research on scanner technologies and how they can be integrated into our proposal of the overall product. Using YouTube, manufacturers website as well as GAI, I got the basis of the research and came up with a literature review on it.

3. The team came together and wrote the initial start of the report, I was present in the meeting and gave feedback and points to the other members research, as well as adjusted my literature review based on their feedback.

4. I conducted the interview with Mr. Dhamiri from One Freight Services, analysed and evaluated key points in the interview and added it to the evaluation of the report.

5. Tidied up the scanner research part of the report, denoted by 2.3 to 2.3.3. Filled up 2.1 proposed solution as well as the concluding statement, 6. Added citations with relavant APA format.

6. Wrote the portion of my formal prestation slides, with the Garr Reynolds presentation tips in mind and kept it simple, scrapped the idea of a script as it was more natural to phrase key points into sentences with practice before the actual presentation.

7. Post presentation, edited my written parts of the report after consultation with Prof Blackstone with his feedback of the report, updated my group lead to do the final vetting of the report.


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